Thursday, January 28, 2010

Day 28... There's Beef in That?!?

Last night I purchased a pack of Hostess Cinnamon rolls.
This morning, I woke up excited about devouring a cinnamon roll because I had been craving them for quite some time. But with this great experiment, comes great responsibility.

If I've learned one thing as a part of this Go Veg Project, it's that vegetarians need to read every ingredient list that they can just to be safe. Oddly enough, you never know what will have a trace of meat in it... Jell-O, marshmallows, Cracker Barrel's green beans.

So, before tearing open the package of sweet rolls, I scanned the ingredient list and came across the usual things: flour, sugar, cinnamon, etc. Then, I saw the most unexpected ingredient listed farther down the list... beef fat.

I have to admit that I did a double-take when I read it. A triple-take even. Frantic and dismayed, I thought, "There's no way! Really? Beef fat? There's beef fat in this!?!"

But, it's true. You can pick up a package and check for yourself. That soft, sweet, gooey Hostess cinnamon roll contains more than you ever bargained for. It contains traces of beef fat, that stuff you trim off of your steak because it would be disgusting to eat. I have to admit that 12 hours later, as I write this, I'm still grossed out.

Who would have thought that, by eating a cinnamon roll, I could have ruined the Go Veg Project?

Mmmm... cinnamon rolls anyone?

-What did I eat on Day 28?

Breakfast. No cinnamon roll for me. I did enjoy a juicy pear though. The pear didn't have any beef fat in it.

Lunch. For lunch I had a peanut butter and honey sandwich with some fresh cut apple slices.

Dinner. For dinner, we thought we could make a vegetarian Manwich. PETA's "I can't believe it's vegan" list confirmed that a can of Manwich is meat-free. For me this was really exciting news, because I figured I could just mix my old-favorite Manwich sauce with some TVP meat substitute and have a good meal. I turned to the same trusted "meat" crumbles that had provided the basis for my tasty meatless loaf.

Only, the textured vegetable protein + the Manwich resulted in a mixture that looked like dog food and that tasted horrible. It was a lousy excuse for an entree. I fixed a salad to accompany the french fries, but I couldn't really salvage dinner. Good grief. Who would have thought it would turn out so bad?

28 days down. 12 to go!

1 comment:

  1. Supposedly tempeh (instead of fake soy meat crumbles) makes great fake sloppy joes. I hope to try the idea out soon myself, but just wanted to let you know in case you get adventurous with the Manwich again.

    I will say this though- Smart Ground used to make Taco Seasoned flavored soy meat crumbles that were fantastic. I haven't seen them in quite some time so I don't know if they are still available, but if you spot them they are an amazing substitute for taco meat in tacos or even taco salad.
