When someone tries a new vegetarian meal with me I always ask how it tastes. For the most part, over the past three weeks, I've really enjoyed my new dining options, but I constantly crave feedback. Sometimes, but rather rarely, my vegetarian cooking skills impress even the most skeptical eater.
Unfortunately, the much more common response after dinner is, "It actually wasn't that bad." This, in my surprisingly accurate opinion, can be swiftly translated into "It actually wasn't that good."
My wife and little boy continue to at least try every strange recipe and meat-substitute product that I serve them and several friends have also been really gracious in trying new things.
Tonight, after some friends dined on textured vegetable protein made to taste like chicken patties, again I was told, "It actually wasn't that bad."
I'm still searching for a few more vegetarian recipes that can really wow the average meat-eater. In the meantime, this weekend I will be cooking tempeh and also making a meatless meatloaf.
- What did I eat on Day 22?
Breakfast. Does an E.L. Fudge cookie count as breakfast? Because that's all I had before rushing off to the office.
Lunch. I thoroughly enjoyed a heaping bowl of Mom's Best Naturals Toasted Cinnamon Squares cereal. It tasted just like Cinnamon Toast Crunch, but I think Mom's Best may be a cereal company worth checking out. The company has been family owned for generations and there's nothing artificial in their cereals: no added saturated fat or hydrogenated oils, and no high fructose corn syrup. Their cereal is also about half the price of the big name brands, but tastes fantastic at the same time.
Dinner. As I mentioned earlier, we had "chicken" sandwiches with spinach and the Morningstar Farms "Chick Patties."
I'm really nervous about this weekend's recipes, but they should make for some interesting posts to say the least.
22 days down. 18 to go.
the best way to wow non-vegetarians, in my experience, is Indian food. Many, many Indians are vegetarians (you can even order many dishes veg or non-veg) and they can make ANYTHING taste good. Seriously! Among other things, I have found ways to actually love lentils, tofu and peas...